In partnership with the US Army Corps of Engineers, LL&W hosts FREE one-day workshops for educators (both traditional and non-traditional) on the Corps’ new curriculum and activities guide, Our Mississippi, in addition to sharing lessons created for workshops in the "Floating Classroom". This curriculum is awesome and aligned with each state on the Mississippi’s educational standards to make it as easy for teachers as possible. In addition to curriculum training, LL&W spends some time in the field with each group showing them firsthand different facets of the river via our workboats.
To take a sneak peek at the curriculum, click here! All participants will be required to fill out our waiver before the day of the event.
Be sure to check out lesson 2.5 featuring our own Chad Pregracke! And while the curriculum is called Our Mississippi, much of the content pertains to the entire watershed encompassing the Illinois and Ohio Rivers as well!
To be notified when and where our next Educator Workshop will take place, please complete this notification sign up form.